Computer graphics : principles and practice
Material type:
- 9780321399526
Incluye bibliografía e índice.
1. Introduction -- 2. Introduction to 2D graphics using WPF -- 3. An ancient renderer made modern -- 4. A 2D graphics test bed -- 5. An introduction to human visual perception -- 6. Introduction to fixed-function 3D graphics and hierarchical modeling -- 7. Essential methematics and the geometry of 2-space and 3-space -- 8. A simple way to describe shape in 2D and 3D -- 9. Functions on meshes -- 10. Transformations in two dimensions -- 11. Transformations in three dimensions -- 12. A 2D and 3D transformation library for graphics -- 13. Camera specifications and transformations -- 14. Standard approximations and representations -- 15. Ray casting and rasterization -- 16. Survey f real-time 3D graphics platforms -- 17. Image representation and manipulation -- 18. Images and signal processing -- 19. Enlarging and shrinking images -- 20. Textures and texture mapping -- 21. Interaction techniques -- 22. Splines and subdivision curves -- 23. Splines and subdivision surfaces -- 24. Implicit representations of shape -- 25. Meshes -- 26. Light -- 27. Materials and scattering -- 28. Color -- 29. Light transport -- 30. Probability and Monte Carlo integration -- 31. Computing solutions to the rendering equation: theoretical approaches -- 32. Rendering in practice -- 33. Shaders -- 34. Expressive rendering -- 35. Motion -- 36. Visibility determination -- 37. Spatial data structures -- 38. Modern graphics hardware -- List of principles -- Bibliography -- Index