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8086/8088, 80286, 80386, and 80486 assembly language programming

By: Material type: TextTextSeries: Merrill's International series in engineering technologyPublication details: Nueva York : Macmillan, c1994Description: xiv, 457 p. : il. ; 24 cmISBN:
  • 0023142472
Introduction to the microprocessor and computer -- The microprocessor and its architecture -- Addressing modes -- Data movement instructions -- Arithmetic and logic instructions -- Program control instructions -- Keyboard/displey DOS and BIOS functions -- Disk memory functions -- Interrupt hooks and the TSR -- Programming the 80X87 arithmetic coprocessor -- App. A: The assembler, disk operating system, and basic input/output system -- B: Instruction set summary -- C: Answers to even-numbered problems.
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Libro Libro Biblioteca de la Facultad de Informática D.3.4 BRE (Browse shelf(Opens below)) Available DIF-00399
Libro Libro Biblioteca de la Facultad de Informática D.3.4 BRE (Browse shelf(Opens below)) Available DIF-00400
Libro Libro Biblioteca de la Facultad de Informática D.3.4 BRE (Browse shelf(Opens below)) Consulta en Sala DIF-01409

Introduction to the microprocessor and computer -- The microprocessor and its architecture -- Addressing modes -- Data movement instructions -- Arithmetic and logic instructions -- Program control instructions -- Keyboard/displey DOS and BIOS functions -- Disk memory functions -- Interrupt hooks and the TSR -- Programming the 80X87 arithmetic coprocessor -- App. A: The assembler, disk operating system, and basic input/output system -- B: Instruction set summary -- C: Answers to even-numbered problems.

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