Woo, Mason

OpenGL programming guide : the official guide to learning OpenGL, version 1.1 - 2nd ed. - Reading : Addison-Wesley, c1997 - xxxviii, 650 p. : il. col. y byn ; 24 cm.

Incluye glosario e índice.

About this guide -- Acknowledgments -- Figures -- Tables -- Examples -- 1. Introduction to OpenGL -- 2. State management and drawing geometric objects -- 3. Viewing -- 4. Color -- 5. Lighting -- 6. Blending, antialiasing, fog, and polygon offset -- 7. Display lists -- 8. Drawing pixels, bitmaps, fonts, and images -- 9. Texture mapping -- 10. The framebuffer -- 11. Tessellators and quadrics -- 12. Evaluators and NURBS -- 13. Selection and feedback -- 14. Now that you know -- A. Order of operations -- B. State variables -- C. OpenGL and Window systems -- D. Basics of GLUT: the OpenGL utility toolkit -- E. Calculating normal vectors -- F. Homogeneous coordinates and transformation matrices -- G. Programming tips -- H. OpenGL invariance -- Glossary -- Index



