Modeling parallel applications on mobile devices

By: Contributor(s): Material type: ArticleArticleDescription: 1 archivo (240 KB)Subject(s): Online resources: Summary: Nowadays more and more users have mobile devices with high computing power. This fact allows taking advantage of that processing power to design applications that allow users to interact remotely with the system simply using, for example, their cell phones. This requires having a modeling tool that allows incorporating the concepts of mobile computing and their particular domain characteristics. This work shows an extension to the UML profile called PROCODI (Concurrent and Distributed Processes), which adds the possibility of incorporating mobile devices as nodes within the model. This fact allows a quick visualization using a single diagram, of structural and behavioral aspects of the system, also including, now, mobile devices with their peculiarities.
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Formato de archivo: PDF. -- Este documento es producción intelectual de la Facultad de Informática - UNLP (Colección BIPA/Biblioteca)

Nowadays more and more users have mobile devices with high computing power. This fact allows taking advantage of that processing power to design applications that allow users to interact remotely with the system simply using, for example, their cell phones. This requires having a modeling tool that allows incorporating the concepts of mobile computing and their particular domain characteristics. This work shows an extension to the UML profile called PROCODI (Concurrent and Distributed Processes), which adds the possibility of incorporating mobile devices as nodes within the model. This fact allows a quick visualization using a single diagram, of structural and behavioral aspects of the system, also including, now, mobile devices with their peculiarities.

Communicability, Computer Graphics and Innovative Design for Interactive Systems : First International Symposium, CCGIDIS 2011, Córdoba, Spain, June 28-29, 2011, Revised Selected Papers. Berlín : Springer, 2012. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 7545), pp. 136-143